United States Coast Guard Application

United States Coast Guard Employment

Serving as the maritime arm of the U.S. Armed Forces, the United States Coast Guard provides an unmatched combination of emergency response service, coastal law enforcement, and environmental research and work.  The jurisdiction of the Coast guard extends beyond U.S. territorial waters and into international water. However, the Coast Guard differs from the Navy in its tendency to concentrate forces along the United States coastlines. Become a member of the fleet when you complete your United States Coast Guard online application for employment.

United States Coast Guard Jobs Available

You are invited to complete a United States Coast Guard application form for positions such as the following: OS or Operations Specialist, Aviation Maintenance Specialist, Aviation Survival Specialist, Electrician, Damage Control, Public Affairs Agent, Gunnerโ€™s Mate, Electronics Specialist, Health Service Specialist, Information Systems Specialist, Machinery Specialist, Marine Science Specialist, Avionics Specialist, Food Service Operations, Port Security Agent, Investigator, Yeoman, and Boatswainโ€™s Mate.

Minimum Employment Age at the United States Coast Guard

The United States Coast Guard job application online is open to any person who is at least eighteen years old (or seventeen years old if parents or guardians sign permission), and as old as twenty-seven.

Important Tips to Apply Online with the United States Coast Guard

  • On the Go Coast Guard web page, select the tab labeled โ€œFind Your Careerโ€ in order to find out about career paths and jobs currently available, the general and specific qualifiers for Coast Guard positions, a tool enabling you to search among the jobs available, and an array of other resources, in addition to a hyperlink to the United States Coast Guard online application.
  • In addition to the United States Coast Guard job application form, the online Career center provides educational videos explaining the variety of positions available to members of the U.S. Coast Guard.
  • In order to apply with the United States Coast Guard, you need to have finished high school with a diploma, or hold a G.E.D. as well as fifteen college credits of coursework.

Most Common Positions with the United States Coast Guard & Income Information

You may join the U.S. Coast Guard as a Reserve member with occasional and emergency duties, or you can make the Coast Guard your full-time career. Reserve members receive benefits and part-time pay, as well as a flexible schedule that can easily be arranged around a full-time job or career. Career jobs for which you might submit a United States Coast Guard job application are salaried, and may be in any of the following areas: propulsion systems and fuel, operations and business, medicine and health, military administration, natural science, technology and electronics, emergency response and management, applied science and engineering, upkeep of facilities, repair and maintenance, legal work, transportation and logistics, computer science, business and operations, coastal aviation, law enforcement and safety, environmental services, maritime patrol, or coastal intelligence.

United States Coast Guard Benefits

Professional development and training are among the most widely touted benefits of any career path within the U.S. Coast Guard.  The Coast Guard offers job training for operational and technical positions and offers opportunities for professional training for prospective health care providers and lawyers.  Your United States Coast Guard application might lead you to a commissioned officerโ€™s position or an enlisted position, and either way you will benefit from the perks of the TRICARE health insurance coverage for Armed Forces service members, disability and life insurance coverage, provided housing, retirement and pension plans, benefits for veterans, and access to services for soldiers and families.  The Coast Guard also offers specialty career training in marine sciences and environmental sciences.

To access the United States Coast Guard Online Application directly, click here.

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