Whether you’re looking for your first full-time job or a career path, retail stores always need personnel. They often hire younger people for stocking shelves, unloading trucks, and sacking customers’ purchases, so there are often high turnovers within the industry.

To work for a company like Acme Markets, you should get to know the Acme application process.

Begin by Visiting Website

The first thing you should do to apply to any business is to investigate their website. Job applications are almost all digital now, especially for large companies. When you go to the Acme Markets website, scroll to the bottom of the page until you see a category called “Our Company.”

ACME Website

Among the items in that list is an opinion for careers. By clicking on that link, it will take visitors to a webpage that lists their job openings. Depending on your qualifications, you can apply for positions in:

  • Retail: This would be for employees who work in the stores.
  • Corporate/Division: This includes store management or working in the corporate offices.
  • Pharmacy: People with certifications as pharmacy techs or that have pharmacological degrees would apply for these positions.
  • Supply Chain: Employees usually work in the manufacturing plants or warehouses for a company to produce or move products for stores.

Applying for Positions

Keyboard with apply data

By selecting the “Apply” button, you can find a location to apply for a retail or pharmacy position. Acme has stores in:

  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Maryland
  • Pennsylvania
  • New York
  • New Jersey

If you select the apply button under corporate positions, then you can choose the type of job for which your best qualified. However, beneath the job search categories is the current openings for retail and corporate levels.

People who want to work in a supply chain position can select either the manufacturing plant in Hatfield, Pennsylvania or the distribution center in Denver, PA. When applying for jobs under the distribution center, they have a list of the current openings under the job search box.

Manufacturing Positions

Two men in a suit talking

For people who may have an interest in applying for a job at the manufacturing plant in Hatfield, when they click apply, it takes them to a webpage for Acme and all the other stores associated with their company.

Acme Markets is a subsidiary of Albertson’s, which owns several other grocery store chains across the country, including:

  • Tom Thumb
  • Jewel Osco
  • Lucky
  • Safeway
  • VONS
  • Albertson’s

On the page, it lists a variety of job categories that applicants can choose from, and they can either select a management position, general position or non-corporate, or office support. After picking one of the options, a list of openings will appear for any of the companies with which Acme is associated.

Application Process

Two woman talking

Before going through the Acme application process, applicants will need to have an email address. If they don’t have one, then they will need to sign-up for a free one because notifications are sent to applicants via email.

When you choose a job to apply for, clicking the link redirects you to another webpage that includes a full job description. It also lists the skills and experience they want people to have for the jobs to which they apply. It consists of the physical environment for the position as well.

If the job interests you, then click “Apply” at the top of the page. A box then opens for your email address and to create an account with the company. However, you can also apply with your LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ or Yahoo accounts.

By choosing one of your social media accounts, some of your information will be pre-filled on the first page, such as your name and email address. This page is for your contact information. Once you complete the first page, click the arrow to go to the next one. You will need to fill out information on a total of five pages.

Update Resume

Employment Application

If you have work experience or are trying to get a pharmacy, management or corporate position, then you should also submit a cover letter and resume. However, before you send them, make sure they are both up-to-date.

Add New Experience

Check the job history section on your resume to ensure it includes your current position. Some people forget to update this information once they accept an opportunity because they no longer need their resume to find another one.

Restructure If Necessary

If you’re in college or a new graduate, then the education section is probably first on your resume. However, if you’re a graduate and have work experience, then your job history should be first. If necessary, restructure the resume to put the job history first and then your education information.

Add a Summary

Instead of using the term “Objective” on a resume to describe the type of position you’re looking for, add a short “Summary” about your work experience. It should be about 25 to 30 words that describe what positions you’ve had or about your education if you’re a new graduate or still in school.

Include Social Media Information

Social Media Site

Instead of listing your home’s mailing address, add the social media accounts you have, if you don’t mind a potential employer looking at them. Instead of each handle or URL, add an icon button for each type that you have that links directly to them. So, if you have a Twitter account, use its icon and link your to it.

Make it Look Professional

Don’t be too creative with the appearance of your resume. Use standard fonts and ink colors on a nice paper, so it looks professional. A recruiter should be able to read the resume in black ink easily. Skip hard to read fonts in favor of ones that are easy to understand like Times, Courier, Calibri, or Arial.


Man holding resume

Once you’ve made changes to your resume, go back through it and look for spelling, punctuation and grammatical errors. A good way to start is by using spell check and running the resume through a grammar checker like Grammarly. Then, after you’ve made corrections, look it over again and then submit it once it’s error-free.

Write a Cover Letter

The cover letter shouldn’t be a repeat of the resume. Instead, it needs to give recruiters or hiring managers an idea of why you wish to work for their company. Are you simply looking for a job or are you looking for a career specifically with their business? If so, tell them why you want to work for them. The cover letter should be interesting, so whoever is looking at it will read your resume.

After filling out the information online and submitting a cover letter and resume, you’ll wait until you’re called for an interview. However, if it has been a couple of weeks, then try to contact the store or that department where to which you applied. It never hurts to be proactive when looking for a job.

Interview Process

Step by Step process of Interview

Depending on the type of job that you’re seeking, the interview may be with a store manager or director, or there may be two or three interviews done at the management and corporate levels. A store job as a clerk may only take a couple of weeks to get, but a corporate level job may take a month or so.

The process begins when you get a phone call from a recruiter or the store director. A face-to-face interview time will be set-up with someone in the department where you want to work or with the store director and, perhaps, the supervisor of the department for which you’re under consideration.

Preparin​​​​g for an Interv​​​​iew

Man and woman doing the interview

Before going to an interview, make sure you prepare for it. Go over your work history and refamiliarize yourself with your on-the-job experience. Even though you probably already know it, if it was a job or two ago, then you may have forgotten some of the details.

Be ready to explain why you would be an asset to the company, the hours that you’re available if working in a store, and why you’ve chosen to apply for a position at Acme Markets. Preparing for an interview helps some people be more confident and less nervous, so take some time to go over your information before showing up to it.

Also, take an identification card, your Social Security card, and workers permit, if you’re a minor, to the interview.

Drug Testi​​​​ng

Potential employees may need to take a drug test before an offer of employment is made. However, if you pass the test, you’ll probably receive an offer.

Getting a Jo​​​​b Offer

Group of men thumps up

An offer may be made after the initial interview for some positions, such as a bagger or a clerk in a store. However, for professional positions, you may undergo two or three more interviews before receiving an offer. Generally, the more responsibilities a job has, the longer the interview process.

Being aware of the Acme application process, updating your resume, and preparing yourself for interviews can make getting a job much easier and less nerve-wracking for most people.